2011-2012 Brenau University Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2011-2012 Brenau University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Women’s College

General Information

The Women’s College offers baccalaureate and graduate programs with a liberal arts foundation designed to enable students to explore general interests and to pursue specialized studies. These women have opportunities to develop leadership skills in an environment that encourages awareness of and participation in a world characterized by pluralism. The student life program of the Women’s College is designed to enhance and enrich student life at Brenau.

The Women’s College is a residential institution which also provides for enrollment of non residential female students who desire to take advantage of the educational programs offered in this division. Courses are normally scheduled in the morning and/or early afternoon. All information included in this section of the Catalog pertains to students enrolled in the Women’s College.

Women’s College Handbook  More detailed information regarding Women’s College policies and procedures can be found in the Student Handbook. All Women’s College students are required to sign for and read a copy of the Student Handbook.

Class Attendance and Participation Policy  All grades and evaluations earned by the student and issued by the faculty are based upon the quality of the student’s overall academic performance both in and out of class. Students are expected to attend and participate in class regularly and to assume responsibility for meeting all requirements as specified in the course syllabus. Whenever possible, advance notice should be given to instructors when a student anticipates an absence. In all cases it is the student’s responsibility to arrange for making up missed work and to be prepared for class upon return.

No policy can cover every eventuality; however, the institution recognizes the following as acceptable and excusable reasons for missing class:

  1. Acute Illness/Injury
  2. Death in the Family/Personal Crisis. 
  3. Approved College-Sponsored Activity
  4. Major Religious Holiday

A student can contact the dean of student success and retention for assistance with reasons 1 & 2. In case of absences not meeting these criteria, it is the prerogative of the professor to exercise professional judgment in deciding whether or not tests, quizzes or other work may legitimately be made up.

Faculty exercise professional judgment in establishing attendance policies for their classes. These must be clearly stated in the course syllabus. However, there is a minimum attendance requirement for the Women’s College. Students who miss more than 20 percent of the scheduled class sessions for whatever reason may be removed from the class with a failing grade due to non attendance and non participation. This policy does not operate automatically but may be activated only through written request from the faculty member to the provost and vice president for academic affairs.

When lack of attendance and/or participation detrimentally affects the student’s quality of work or performance, the instructor is encouraged to notify the student, the academic adviser and the Dean of Student Success and Retention.

Honor System

The Women’s College has established an honor system as the fundamental principle of its self governing philosophy. The system is administered by the Student Honor Court in cooperation with the university administration.

Every Women’s College student assumes personal responsibility for herself and her fellow students for the maintenance of the rules and ideals of this system. The university is proud of the system’s long and successful history. Each new student should become familiar with this tradition of Brenau.

The Brenau Honor Code:  I promise to uphold the Brenau University honor code by refraining from every form of dishonesty and cheating in university life and will strive to create a spirit of honesty and honor. Failure to do so is considered a breach of trust toward the faculty and student body. I accept this commitment as a personal responsibility to refrain from and to report all forms of dishonesty and cheating.

Student Government

All full-time Women’s College students are members of the Student Government Association (SGA). SGA is composed of two branches; the Executive Committee and the Senate. All executive power is vested in the Executive Committee which consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Elections Chair, Campus Relations Officer and Student Activities Board Director. Furthermore, all legislative power is vested in the governing body of the Senate. All students are encouraged to become involved in SGA and be the change that they want to see in their campus community.


Brenau University is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. Brenau sponsors intercollegiate teams in the sports of basketball, cross-country, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis and volleyball. The tennis team was NAIA National Champion in 1999 and 2002. Brenau also sponsors the club sport of crew.

Academic Advisers for Women’s College Students

All freshmen are assigned a faculty adviser according to their major, if declared. First-year students who have not declared a major are assigned to an adviser of undeclared students. They remain with that adviser until a major is chosen.

Transfer students entering Brenau with more than 24 semester credit hours are assigned to a faculty adviser in their major. Students who have not selected a major are assigned to an adviser specifically designated for undeclared majors; when they declare a major, they are assigned an adviser in their chosen major.

Each student will confer with her adviser to obtain approval for her proposed course of study or to make needed adjustments in her program. However, it should be noted that while all possible assistance is given by the faculty adviser, it nevertheless remains the duty of each student to accept full responsibility for the completion and satisfaction of the selected course of study. In an effort to help the student exercise and fulfill this responsibility, approval by the faculty adviser of the first semester’s registration schedule is mandatory prior to completion of the registration process.

The “Early College” at Brenau Academy

Interested and qualified students attending Brenau Academy may pursue an Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Studies while simultaneously earning their high school diploma. In addition to potentially earning up to two years of transferrable college credits, academy students in the “Early College” program have the opportunity to participate in other Women’s’ College programs, such as the 1st Year Seminar.

1st Year Seminar

Women’s College students participate in the 1st Year Seminar, guided by professional instructors and student peer advisers. The seminar was created to assist students in making a successful transition to college life. The course helps students to develop personally and academically, to enhance practical skills and to become active contributing members of the campus environment. This developmental orientation course is required of new Women’s College students. Transfer students who enter the university with less than 24 semester hours of credit may also be required to take the course. 1st Year Seminar students are awarded one semester hour of credit at no charge. The 1st Year Seminar is offered fall semester. Freshmen who enter the Women’s College spring or summer semester are offered special orientation sessions.

Honors Program

The Honors Program accepts highly motivated and well-qualified students into the program at the beginning of the freshman year or by application to the Director of Honors at a later time. The Honors Program continues through the four years of undergraduate study. For specific information about the Honors Program see the “Honors Program for Women’s College Students” section.

Writing Center

Brenau University’s Writing Center is a peer tutoring organization that supports students of every ability level in the development of writing and speaking skills through individual conferences, computer-based tutorials, and group workshops. For further information, contact the director of the Writing Center.