2013-2014 Brenau University Catalog 
    Oct 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Brenau University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Records Information-Undergraduate

Records Information

Click on the line below for information:

Calendar System and Credits  Brenau operates on an academic calendar consisting of three semesters (fall, spring, summer). Credits are measured in semester hours.

Course Load  The general course of study for an undergraduate at Brenau is 12 to 18 credit hours per semester. Any undergraduate student enrolling for 12 hours or more per semester will be considered a full time student. Residential students who enroll for less than 12 hours must obtain approval from the Assistant Vice President for Student Services.

Registration Overload Policy  Undergraduate students desiring to register for more than 18 hours in a semester must possess a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better, make no grade below C in the previous term of enrollment and obtain the signatures of their academic advisor and major department chair on a Course Overload Form. The form must be presented with the Registration Form or Add Form containing the overload courses(s). In the event students do not possess the required grade point average but feel that unusual circumstances warrant an exception, they may request that an exception be made to this policy. Such requests should be made in writing to the Dean of their school and attached to the Course Overload Form. The dean’s approval will be written on the attached exception request or on the Overload Form. No undergraduate student may take more than 21 hours in a semester. During summer semester, no more than six (6) hours may be taken per short session without overload permission. (See the Financial Information Section  for information regarding overload fees.

Course Changes: Dropping or Adding  Students may register for classes until the end of the full-credit drop/add period. The drop/add period is published on the Brenau web site. If the student drops after the first week of classes, a $25 Late Drop Fee may be charged. Withdrawal from a course after the third Wednesday for a seven week course or after the eighth Wednesday for a full-term course will result in a grade of F unless special circumstances or an emergency exists and approval is granted by the provost and vice president for academic affairs. The drop dates are clearly outlined on the Registrar’s Office website under “calendars and schedules”. Students are responsible for seeing that a Course Change Form or Drop Form is completed and processed to correct their academic and billing records. Students’ names are retained on the official class roll after the third week of the semester.

These provisions in no way guarantee the refund of tuition; for refund policies see the Financial Information Section   in this Catalog.

Registration and Withdrawal


Registration periods are published on the Registrar’s Office web site. Registration dates are available as well as academic calendar information and deadlines.

Late Registration  Students currently enrolled at Brenau University must complete the registration process by the registration deadline published in the schedule of courses to avoid the Late Registration Fee. Students may register for classes until the end of the full credit drop/add period. The drop/add period is published on the Brenau web site.

Course Cancellation  Brenau reserves the right to cancel any course listed in its course schedule. Students registered for a course that is canceled will be automatically removed from the computer by the registrar’s office. If needed, the student can add another course to replace the cancelled course. Pursuant to registration policy, the student must add any courses prior to the first class meeting.

Academic Withdrawal from Brenau  Any Women’s College student who desires to withdraw from Brenau prior to the end of the semester must consult with the Associate Vice President for Student Services and complete a withdrawal form. In addition, all students should submit a Drop Form to the Registrar’s Office. Students not completing the appropriate paperwork to withdraw from their courses will automatically receive an F. Withdrawals after the final published drop date will result in a grade of F unless special circumstances or an emergency exist and approval is granted by the provost. Students are responsible for making sure that the drop form is completed to correct their academic and billing records.

Medical Withdrawal Policy

A student requesting to be withdrawn from class(es) after the Drop/Add period because of a medical emergency or severe illness must adhere to the following requirements:

  • A letter must be sent to the University Provost stating the reason for the withdrawal request. The student should clearly state the date of the onset of the illness/injury and the medical conditions which preclude course completion. The following documents must accompany the letter:
       1)  A complete list of courses (course & section number) for which the student is currently registered and from which the student wishes to withdraw
       2)  A statement from the student’s primary physician delineating the circumstances/medical conditions preventing the student from completing the coursework in the required time frame
  • Requests for Medical Withdrawals must be submitted to the University Provost before the last day of class of the semester or session for which the withdrawal is requested. Any requests received after this date will not be considered eligible for Medical Withdrawal and all applicable university policies regarding grades, refunds, financial aid, etc. will apply.
  • Online students must present documentation from their physician which indicates that it is medically impossible to complete coursework presented in an online format.
  • If the reason for the withdrawal request is related to an emergency or illness of an immediate family member, medical documentation should pertain to the family member’s illness. Medical documentation will also be required stating that the necessity for the student to function as a caretaker precludes the possibility of him/her completing course requirements.


  • No institutional official other than the University Controller may authorize refunds
  • In cases where a Medical Withdrawal has been granted by the University Provost, refunds will be adjudicated on an individual basis by the University Controller in order to apply consistent and reasonable practices. Generally, refunds will be considered from the effective date of the completed Medical Withdrawal.
  • The refund/forgiveness of any financial aid funding must be adjudicated by the Financial Aid Office based on policies set forth by the federal government and other agencies providing financial resources for the student’s educational costs. Students should consult with the Financial Aid Office to determine the disposition of their aid package. Return of most government funded financial aid is time sensitive and based on the date of withdrawal.
  • Residential Students: Room and Board payment(s) will be refunded based on the number of weeks remaining in the semester after the week of withdrawal. If the student is receiving federal or state aid, policies pertaining to those programs will dictate the refund amounts.

Grading System


Academic progress and graduation honors are all determined by grades submitted by the instructors at the conclusion of each semester. Final grades represent a combination of cumulative quantity and quality in a student’s course work for that semester.

 The grading system is as follows:

Grade Interpretation Quality Points
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Failure 0
P* Passing (Pass – Fail courses only) 0
W* Withdrew 0
I* Incomplete 0
IP* In Progress 0
IF* Incomplete Failure 0
AU Audit 0

*Grades of I, P or W are not used in computation of grade point average (GPA). A grade of IF is used in the GPA. 

A  A grade of “A” signifies an exceptional, clear and creative grasp of the concepts of the course with demonstrated ability to apply this knowledge to specific problem situations. It also means that the student has actively participated in class activities and has completed all material in a neat and timely manner. The material indicates that the student spent extra time, personal energy and critical reflection in an effort to demonstrate exceptional work.
B A grade of “B” signifies a solid understanding of the major concepts of the course and the ability to apply those concepts. It also means that the student’s effort and class participation have exceeded the minimal basic requirements for the course. All assignments were judged to be solid in content and were completed in a timely manner.
C A grade of “C” signifies a satisfactory understanding and application of the concepts of the course as well as minimal participation in class activities. It also indicates that the student completed the appropriate assignments that satisfied the basic course requirements.
D A grade of “D” signifies a below average demonstration and application of the concepts of the course and/or inadequate preparation in class activities. It may also indicate that assignments were not completed in a satisfactory or timely manner.
F A grade of “F” signifies that the student has not demonstrated adequate understanding or application of the course material. It may also indicate that the student has not met the attendance or assignment requirements. A grade of “F” can also be awarded for dropping a class past the final drop date.
I Incomplete. An incomplete grade may be given when circumstances beyond the control of the student interfere with the student’s ability to complete the course or to satisfy the competencies specified therein. Students must make up a grade of I within one semester after such a grade is awarded. For this purpose, the summer sessions count as a semester. Before the Incomplete can be awarded, the instructor must complete an Incomplete Grade Contract. No incomplete grade will be awarded in the absence of a completed contract. This contract outlines the specific requirements and provides the students with assignment dates for completing the coursework. If the coursework has not been completed within the specified time, the grade of I will be converted by the registrar to an IF. Grade changes for course work completed after a grade of IF has been assigned must be approved by the provost and vice president for academic affairs. A student must be passing a course when an Incomplete Contract is approved.
IF Incomplete Failure. If the course work has not been completed and a grade awarded by the end of the next semester, the grade of I must be converted to an IF by the registrar.
IP In Progress. Students are eligible with some courses to extend the completion of curricular requirements into the next semester.
P Students enrolled in a seminar, practicum, internship or other activity course may elect to receive grades of P (Pass) or F (Fail) if the instructor, students and appropriate department chair so agree at the beginning of the semester. Courses for which the student receives a grade of P will count toward the hours required for graduation where applicable. A grade of P is acceptable for courses requiring a grade of C or better. However, such grades carry no quality points and thus are not figured into the grade point average.
W Withdrawn. A student is entitled to withdraw within one week of the beginning of the semester and no reference will appear on the transcript. After the first week a grade of W will be awarded for withdrawals up to midterm. Withdrawals thereafter can only take place with the permission of the advisor and the department chair. See Academic Withdrawal above.
AU Audit. Student has been approved to audit the course; no academic credit is given.

For a grade of F, no credit is awarded; the student must repeat the failed course or take an acceptable substitute to earn equivalent credit.

There is no required uniform numeric grading scale at Brenau University. It is up to the individual instructor to determine and publish the grading scale for each course. Such information is found in the instructor’s syllabus.

Repetition of Courses  When a student repeats a course, only the last grade earned will be used to compute the grade point average, provided the latest grade is not lower than the prior grade. Both grades will appear on the student’s permanent record. Students are responsible for indicating repeated coursework and requesting that their grade point average be adjusted by notifying the Registrar’s Office.

Grading Information  All faculty must submit final grades for courses to the registrar. All grades are entered into the student’s permanent records at the end of each semester. Grades are available online through the CampusWEB web-based student information system.

Grade Point Averages


The grade point average is a weighted average and computed by multiplying the quality points earned by the credit hours of each course and dividing the total quality points earned by the total credit hours attempted. Below is an example of the GPA computation for a 12 credit hour semester load:

3 sem hours of B = 3 x 3 =   9 quality points
3 sem hours of A = 3 x 4 = 12 quality points
3 sem hours of B = 3 x 3 =   9 quality points
3 sem hours of C = 3 x 2 =   6 quality points
12 total hours                      36 total quality points

36 quality points by 12 hours attempted = 3.0 GPA

AU, I, IP, P and W grades are not included when computing a student’s grade point average, but will be recorded on a student’s transcript. The hours attempted in any course for which a IF is awarded will be counted in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.

Grade Appeals and Grade Changes


Grade Appeals
When a student has substantial grounds to dispute a final grade and is prepared to present evidence to support a grade appeal, the student must initiate the procedure by speaking first with the professor who assigned the grade in question. If there are no errors in the computation of the grade or other substantial evidence to support an appeal, the student is encouraged to accept the grade assigned. However, in cases where there are substantial grounds for a review of the grade and a resolution cannot be reached between the student and the professor, the student has the following recourse:

  1. Within two weeks following the official end date of the session for which the grade was assigned, the student must submit to the appropriate department chair a letter of appeal with evidence supporting the need for an external review of the grade in question. The department chair will review the student’s material and consult with the professor before deciding if the assigned grade should stand. The department chair must provide a written response to the student, with a copy to the college dean.
  2. If a student does not accept the decision of the chair, there is one additional and final level of appeal. The student may submit documentation to the appropriate college dean who will determine if new information or insufficient consideration of the student’s case merits further review of the assigned grade by a review panel. The dean’s decision to proceed or not to proceed will be final in all cases.
  3. If the dean determines that further review is warranted, s/he will convene and chair a panel of five faculty members. Both the student and the professor will have the opportunity to address the panel. Legal counsel may represent neither party. However, the dean may exercise discretion to invite other faculty or students, who can provide relevant information, to address the panel. The review panel’s decision will be final, with no recourse on the part of the student or professor for any further appeal.
  4. The entire appeal process must be completed within four weeks of the time the grade was issued.
  5. When the dean or department chair is the teacher of record, the dean will substitute for the department chair and the provost will replace the dean.

Grade Changes  A course grade that has been reported by the instructor to the registrar’s office cannot be changed except in the following circumstances. Grade changes will be reflected on the transcript sent to the student’s advisor at the end of each semester.

  • Error in grade. An incorrect course grade will be changed by the registrar upon receipt of a properly executed Change of Grade form signed by the instructor of the course and the appropriate department chair.
  • Removal of a grade of I. A student receiving a grade of I (Incomplete) is expected to consult with the instructor within the prescribed time limit and to complete all necessary work. See the description of the grade of I in the previous section. A completed Change of Grade form approved by the department chair must be submitted by the instructor in order for the registrar to change the I to any grade other than IF. Changes from IF to another grade must be approved by the provost in addition to the appropriate department chair.

Academic Standing


Classification of Students  Class designation is generally based on the number of hours the student has earned in courses offered at Brenau or transferred from other educational institutions. Following is a general explanation of class designation.

Freshman A student who has earned fewer than 30 hours of credit
Sophomore A student who has earned 30 to 59 hours of credit
Junior A student who has earned 60 to 89 hours of credit
Senior A student who has earned 90 or more hours of credit

Class designation does not necessarily reflect the student’s readiness to graduate or progress in their chosen program of study.

Academic Standing  The undergraduate cumulative grade point average of each student is compiled at the end of each semester. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 must be maintained for a student to be classified as a student in good standing. A cumulative grade point average of less than 2.0 will automatically result in a student being classified as not in good standing.

Academic Probation  Students who have an undergraduate semester grade point average of less than 2.0 shall be placed on probation for one semester. Undergraduate students on academic probation will be restricted to a maximum of four (4) courses, not to exceed 14 semester credit hours in the subsequent semester of enrollment. Students on Academic Probation may also be subject to a loss of certain financial aid funds and should check with the Financial Aid Office regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress regulations for financial aid. Students will remove themselves from probation by successfully meeting 12 hours of academic credit in succession. Students who fail to remove themselves from Academic Probation will be placed on Academic Suspension

Academic Suspension Students on academic suspension will be prohibited from taking courses or participating in college level activities. Within two (2) weeks of the end of the semester, students may appeal the suspension to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Students who are denied reinstatement may not enroll in course work for the two following semesters. Students readmitted following an Academic Suspension are placed on Academic Probation and are subject to the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) requirements listed above.

Academic Dismissal  Students who are placed on Academic Probation returning to the college after Academic Suspension, and who fail either to remove themselves from this status or to meet the requirements of continued probation will face Academic Dismissal. A student on Academic Dismissal will be prohibited from taking courses for one calendar year from the end of the semester in which the dismissal occurred, after which the student may apply for readmission to the university using the procedures followed by any new student. Students readmitted following an Academic Dismissal are placed on Academic Probation and are subject to the cumulative grade point average requirement listed above. A second Academic Dismissal will result in a final dismissal from the University with no option for appeal.

Undergraduate Course Numbering System:
100-199:   Undergraduate Freshman
200-299:   Undergraduate Sophomore
300-399:   Undergraduate Junior
400-499:   Undergraduate Senior

Semester Academic Honors

Dean’s List At the conclusion of each semester, the provost and vice president for academic affairs issues a list of academic honor students. In order to be included in this listing, a student must have taken at least 15 hours, earned a semester grade point average of 3.60 or better and received no grades of D, F, I or IP that semester.
Merit List All students are eligible to be designated for excellent academic achievement during any semester if the following conditions are met: The student must be enrolled for at least 12-14 hours and earn a semester grade point average of 3.5; No grade lower than a B shall be earned for the semester in question; and the student should not have any outstanding incompletes.




Commencement ceremonies for the University and the Women’s College follow the same format but are scheduled separately to reflect the individual characteristics and traditions of the respective divisions. All ceremonies are scheduled on commencement weekend in early May. 

Although students may complete requirements for graduation during any semester, degrees and diplomas will not be officially conferred until graduation ceremonies at the end of spring semester. The official date when the student has completed requirements for the degree will be specified on the student’s permanent record.

Attendance  All students are required to participate in graduation exercises. Students who cannot attend for some reason known in advance of the ceremony must request to be excused from this requirement by obtaining and completing the appropriate form available in the registrar’s office. All necessary signatures must be obtained by the student who should then return the In Absentia Form to the registrar’s office.

Application for Graduation  Students must submit their application for graduation no later than Dec. 1 of the academic year in which they anticipate completing their program of study. By March 1 a student must pay the graduation fee. The fee covers the cost of diploma and other administrative costs. If a student completes graduation requirements prior to the spring semester, the graduation fee must be paid prior to receiving an official transcript with the degree posted. Compliance with these deadlines will allow Brenau to review each student’s record through a graduation audit. Any student who does not apply by Dec. 1 will be charged a Late Graduation Application Fee in addition to the regular graduation fee. No applications for graduation will be accepted after Jan. 1 for that year’s graduation. Students who will not complete their program until the end of summer session may request to participate in the ceremonies in the spring semester. To do so, the student must complete a summer graduation form. This is in addition to the graduation application. Summer graduates may not lack more than 12 semester hours to complete the degree and must agree to complete the hours by the end of the summer session of the same year. The advisor and registrar must sign this form. Students who do not complete graduation requirements by the end of summer term must reapply for graduation and pay a graduation reapplication fee.

Graduation Requirements  In order for Brenau to confer a baccalaureate degree, the following general requirements must be met:

  1. The student must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of college work. (Hours required for some majors may exceed this minimum.) (60 – 63 hours for A.A. degree.)
  2. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Some majors require a higher minimum grade point average. Consult the appropriate department section for specific requirements.
  3. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 in all course work required for their major. Some majors require a higher minimum major grade point average. Consult the appropriate department section for specific requirements.
  4. Students must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of regular coursework or 25% of the overall hours required for graduation for their degree - whichever is greater - in residence at Brenau University (15 hours for A.A. degree).
  5. Of the 30 semester hours in residence, there must be a minimum of 21 hours of their major program of study, with Brenau University.
  6. Students must satisfactorily complete the requirements for liberal education, specific degree requirements, major course and general electives.
  7. Students must complete their program of study by the end of summer session in order to participate in the graduation ceremonies held in spring semester of that academic year.
  8. Students who will not complete the program of study until the end of summer session, may request to participate in the spring graduation ceremonies. To qualify, the student must lack no more than 12 semester hours to graduate and agree to complete the hours by the end of the summer session. The form to approve summer graduation must be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. This form should be completed and returned to the Registrar’s Office by March 1. A Registrar’s Office representative must sign the form to complete the process.

Graduation Honors  Honors are conferred upon qualified Brenau students who have achieved the following cumulative grade point averages.

Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude
Summa Cum Laude

To be eligible for consideration as an honor graduate, a student must have completed a minimum of three semesters of course work through Brenau. For computational purposes, equivalent Brenau grades and quality points will be assigned to academic grades earned at other accredited institutions.

Honor Society – Phi Kappa Phi  Students in the top 10 percent of the graduating class are eligible for membership to Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest all-discipline honor society. Brenau students who qualify will receive an invitation for membership from the Office of the Provost. 

Applicable Catalog Requirements  


Students have the right to graduate under the catalog edition for the academic year in which they begin their coursework, or any subsequent catalog edition during their continuous attendance at Brenau. More than five semesters of non enrollment will make students subject to the requirements of the most recent catalog published by the university or any new requirements approved during their absence. Students are required to reapply for admission after two semesters of non enrollment to bring their files to current status.

Academic Consistency  Brenau requires that all off campus courses be taught in conformity to on campus academic standards in order to ensure program quality and maintain academic integrity. To this end, academic department chairs supervise hiring all off campus faculty and supervising off campus academic activity. The syllabi, textbooks, classroom teaching methodology, assignments, library references and evaluations used in off campus courses are equivalent to those used on campus. In addition, full-time contract faculty teach in all divisions of the university. 

Special Status


Undergraduate  Students wishing to enroll in one or more undergraduate courses but who do not seek a degree must complete an application for admission (application fee waived) to enroll in courses at Brenau. They will not be eligible for financial assistance and must adhere to the following policies for all special status students.

  • Prerequisite courses will apply for any course a student is attempting to enroll in. The student may be required to obtain an official transcript from the institution in which the prerequiste was earned.
  • Special-status students will be registered for courses only if space is available.
  • No more than twelve hours and a maximum of two semesters of enrollment, will be permitted for students registered as special-status.
  • All students who are classified as special-status will be subject to the academic policies and procedures governing probation and suspension.
  • Special-status students apply for special status admission to the University through the Registrar’s Office.
  • If the student later applies for a degree program, hours completed as a special status student will count as the period of conditional enrollment.

Transient Status


Students Enrolled at Other Institutions  A student enrolled in a degree program at another accredited college or university may apply to Brenau for transient status. Such a student is one who expects to return to the college or university where previously enrolled and must have the permission of the home institution to attend Brenau. The applicant who desires transient status must submit a Transient/Academy Admission Application. and a transient letter from the home institution. Transient students are admitted on a semester basis only and are not eligible for financial aid at Brenau.

Brenau does not guarantee that a transient student will be able to secure the courses desired, nor is Brenau responsible for advising a transient student of courses that are applicable to their program of study at the home institution. Brenau does not automatically forward transcripts to the home institution; transcripts are sent only at the written request of the student.

Studetns who wish to attend Brenau as a transient student should apply for admission through the Registrar’s Office.

Brenau Students Who Desire Transient Status  Brenau students are expected to take courses needed for degree completion in residence if they are offered in our schedule. Exceptions will be considered for extenuating circumstances and must be approved by the registrar.

Regularly enrolled students who wish to transfer courses taken at other institutions must obtain their advisor’s and department chairs written approval in advance. A transient letter must be completed by the registrar. Brenau will not guarantee acceptance of coursework taken without a transient letter on file. In all instances, the dean or department chair must approve the transient status and courses. For students who are in the last 30 hours of the program requirements, the transient request must also be approved by the provost. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain such approval. The other institution may impose additional requirements on the transient student. It is the student’s responsibility to follow policy, procedures and pre-register at the transient institution. Those students completing course work at other institutions must request that an official, sealed transcript be sent to the registrar at Brenau before the course will be entered into the student’s record. Courses completed with a grade lower than a “C” will not transfer.

As a general rule, the same credit will be assigned to transfer courses as awarded at the other institution subject to the limitations set in the Admissions  Information section of this Catalog. Courses successfully completed and accepted will count toward graduation requirements and grade point average. European college or summer institute work will be accepted by the provost upon the recommendation of the Academic Affairs Committee if properly certified and undertaken at an accredited institution. All policies governing registration such as overload restrictions will apply to transient coursework.

Student Records


Brenau has a long standing commitment to, and concern for, protection of student rights and privacy of information. Brenau complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, which defines accessibility and confidentiality of student records.

Admissions: Information used in the process of admission which will be sent to the registrar upon matriculation and information relative to past applicants who never matriculated to Brenau.

advisors: Copies of various transcripts, grade reports of academic work undertaken at Brenau, and students’ programs of study.

Career Services: Credential files, including reference forms.

Controller: Students’ accounts.

Department Chairs: Recommendations for employment, ratings, other evaluative materials and placement credentials for Brenau University students.

Financial Aid: Information relative to financial aid, scholarships and VA educational benefits.

Registrar: Academic records of work undertaken at Brenau, transcripts from other educational institutions, applications for admissions and supporting documentation for students who have matriculated at Brenau, periodic correspondence and information, test scores, academic awards and honors and the Catalog.

Student Health Services: Residential student health forms and student medical statements.

Student Services: Permission and emergency contact forms, disciplinary records and housing contracts and miscellaneous correspondence for Women’s College residential students.

Official Transcripts and Copies of Records  As a general rule, copies of students’ records may be obtained from the registrar upon submission of a written request by the student. Upon request, one transcript is furnished to each student at no cost up to one year after posting of degree. At any other time, each official transcript issued will cost $5 while unofficial transcripts are $2 each. A transcript processed on a rush basis and sent by overnight mail will cost $25. Students may incur additional charges for overseas transcript requests sent by overnight mail. Transcript fees must be paid prior to processing and transcripts are issued only if a student’s account is paid in full. Transcript requests received by fax will be processed provided that the request contains the student’s signature, relevant information concerning the transcript request and transcript processing fee arrangements. Copies of transcripts will not be faxed to the student or specified institutions. Such copies will not be considered official transcripts and Brenau cannot assume responsibility for the confidentiality of such records. Copies of appropriate records will be available for issuance to other individuals, corporations, other educational institutions and prospective employers on the same basis upon submission of a written request by the student desiring release of the records. A printable transcript request form is available on line.

Release of Information  Directory information concerning any student will be distributed by Brenau only as herein provided. Directory information includes the student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in collegiate activities, dates of attendance, degrees conferred, awards and honors earned, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student and other similar information. The student has the right to refuse to permit the designation of any or all the categories as directory information. If students choose to exercise the right of refusal, they must do so in writing to the registrar within 30 days of the beginning of each academic semester. It is understood that appropriate Brenau officials will have access to such information and records as shall be necessary for them to perform their professional responsibilities. All official use of student files shall be in accord with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and shall be duly recorded and shall be documented as required by its regulations.

The following information and records shall not be covered by this policy and access shall not be provided to students: information related to pending admissions decisions, financial records or information relating to students or parents/guardians; confidential statements of recommendation placed in the record prior to Jan. 1, 1975 or obtained subsequent to receipt of a statement from students waiving the right to open accessibility of the placement record; all information relative to the application for and receipt of financial aid; records created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other professional or paraprofessional acting or assisting in a similar capacity in treatment of a student; institutional employment or faculty files; alumni information; and sole access educational records. Sole access records are those records of instructional, supervisory, and administration personnel and educational personnel that are in the sole possession of the makers and are not accessible or revealed to any other individual except a temporary substitute.

In other situations not described in this policy, the use of and access to educational records shall be in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and regulations established for its implementation by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.

Verifications of enrollment or degree status  No student information will be released or verified in any form if there is an outstanding financial obligation to the university. If there is a financial hold on a student’s account, the Registrar’s Office will not distribute information to a student, employer, or any other agency. Students without financial holds may request this information from the Registrar’s Office by fax or by phone. Only personnel in the Registrar’s, Financial Aid or Accounting Offices are qualified to release student information.

Procedure for Review and Correction  Pursuant to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Brenau students have the right to inspect their educational records and correct such records if necessary. Students desiring to review their records should make this request to the appropriate official in writing. Such written request will be granted within a period of no more than 45 days from the date of request, with copies of the pertinent records being furnished at a cost of ten cents per copy upon request.

In the event the record contains inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate information, every effort will be made to correct or delete such material and the student will be so informed of such action in writing. Should such efforts not be satisfactory to the student, a written challenge to the particular record should be filed with the provost who will provide a hearing conducted in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. In addition to a written challenge, students may also file a written explanation of any material contained in their records; such statements will automatically become a permanent part of the record challenged. Brenau reserves the right to deny such requests for review and correction if made for frivolous or malicious purposes. The decision of the provost as to the appeal of the student shall be made in writing within 45 days of the conclusion of the hearing. The student may file appeals from unfavorable decisions of the provost to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C. 

Double Majors // Minors

Double Majors  In order to earn credit for two or more major fields of academic concentration, a student must complete all the requirements for each major field, including a minimum of 24 semester hours of study at Brenau in each of the major fields. In instances where the degree is the same, the student receives one degree and must complete all requirements (for both majors) before the degree can be awarded. In instances where the majors chosen result in different degrees, the student will receive two degrees and both majors/degrees must be complete before the degrees can be awarded.

Minors  The following guidelines must be observed to obtain a minor.

  • Complete 18 semester hours in a subject area outside the student’s basic discipline.
  • Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the minor.
  • Take a minimum of 12 semester hours in the minor in residence at Brenau.
  • Have an appropriate mix of upper level and foundation courses in the minor, with at least nine hours at the 300 or 400 level.
  • A minor must be completed while working on a degree.
  • Minor courses may not be applied toward the students major as well, but may be applied toward liberal education requirements.

The following minor programs are specifically described in this Catalog: business, conflict resolution and legal studies, dance, English, environmental science, fashion design, fashion merchandising, gender studies, history/political science, international studies, mass communication, mathematics, music, psychology, public health, Spanish, sport management and theatre.

Change of Major/Minor Program of Study or advisor. Students accepted and enrolled in a major program of study who subsequently decide to change their major or change/declare a minor must meet the requirements for admission to the new program. Students should complete the necessary Change of advisor/Major/Minor Request Form in the Registrar’s Office and receive appropriate approvals from their advisor and department chair. Students changing advisors should complete a Change of advisor/ Major/Minor Request Form in the Registrar’s Office and obtain the approvals of both old and new advisors and the department. The form is available on the Registrar’s Office Forms site.

Class Size  Most classes will range from 8 to 30 students in number. Brenau University reserves the right to cancel classes with insufficient enrollment.

Final Examinations  An examination or substituted evaluative procedure will be administered to students at the end of each term in each course. Professors and/or department chairs shall decide upon the nature and type of final examination to be used. Final exams must be administered according to the published schedule.

Course Auditing  Some regularly scheduled academic courses may be audited if class size and format allow additional enrollment. Only currently enrolled Brenau degree-seeking students may audit a class. Special status and transient students may not audit a Brenau class. Students interested in auditing should check with the appropriate department chair to see if this option is available. Developmental studies, activity courses (ex. photography and computer courses) and some modern language classes may not be audited. Evening/weekend session students may request to audit classes offered through the Women’s College after the last day of registration for each term. If an auditing student’s space in the class is needed by a credit-seeking student, the auditing student will be withdrawn from the class for full credit; however, the auditing student will be given the option of converting to credit status prior to the withdrawal.

Auditing students must obtain the consent of the audited course’s department and their advisor. An audited course may not be converted to a credit course after the expiration of the drop period. See the special fees section of this catalog for the course auditing fee.

Academic Advisement
All students are assigned an advisor in their major program of study. The advisor must approve the initial registration of the student as well as any exceptions to registration policy (recommending course overloads, etc.). While the advisor gives all possible direction to the student, it remains the responsibility of each student to complete the selected major program of study. In an effort to help students exercise and fulfill their responsibility, students are encouraged to consult with an advisor prior to registration each semester. For additional information concerning academic advisement in the Women’s College, see the Women’s College section of this Catalog.

Senior Testing
Comprehensive Examinations for Seniors. All seniors are required to take any comprehensive examinations which may be administered each year by Brenau or its various departments. This may include, but is not limited to, area achievement tests or the Graduate Record Examination.

Alternative Credit Options

Students may apply no more than a total of 27 semester hours of any combination of alternative credit options toward their Brenau University degree. (Alternative credit options include credit earned from Advanced Placement Exams, International Baccalaureate Programs, CLEP, DANTES, Military Credit, Experiential Credit or Challenge Exams.) Alternative credit options do not apply toward residency requirements at Brenau.

Advanced Placement Program – CEEB  Credit toward a Brenau degree for courses on the university level completed prior to high school graduation may be granted through the Advanced Placement (AP) Program of the College Entrance Examination Board when equivalent courses are part of the Brenau curriculum. Each department determines the appropriate scores for awarding credit within that department. Credits awarded through advanced placement examinations do not fulfill residency requirements. Brenau does not transfer credit for advanced placement awarded at other institutions. An official AP transcript must be submitted to consider awarding credit. The AP Course Guide  outlines the AP courses Brenau accepts with their corresponding score requirements.

International Baccalaureate Program  Brenau recognizes the quality of the International Baccalaureate Program, and credit towards the undergraduate degree will be awarded on a course-by-course basis. Course credit will be given for scores of 5, 6 or 7 on the Higher level examinations. Although no credit will be awarded for examinations taken at the Subsidiary level, additional credit may be awarded after departmental review and with approval by the college dean. IB credits do not fulfill residency requirements.

Challenge Examination  Degree-seeking students may, under specific circumstances, apply for academic credit through challenge examinations. Each application must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate dean and department chair and the Academic Affairs Committee prior to the administration of the examination. Through the results of the examination and other evidence of prior learning which may be required by the committee, students must demonstrate sufficient mastery of the course content to meet the same objectives as students who have completed the requirements of the regular course. Credits earned through challenge examinations do not fulfill residency requirements.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)  In accordance with the established policies of Brenau University, College Level Examinations (CLEP) of the College Entrance Examination Board is defined as an alternative credit option. Credit may come from either approved General or Subject examinations. However, students are advised that each departmental major has specific restrictions with regard to the total number of hours of CLEP and experiential credit which may be counted toward requirements in the major. Departmental sections of the Catalog should be consulted for this information. Credits earned through CLEP examinations do not fulfill residency requirements. Passable scores for all CLEP exams are determined by Brenau faculty with respect to ACE guidelines. The CLEP test score guide  outlines the CLEP exams we accept as well as the minimum scores required by Brenau.

Questions regarding the administration of CLEP tests should be addressed to the CLEP coordinator in the Learning Center. Questions regarding the appropriateness of a CLEP exam to fulfill an academic requirement should be discussed with the student’s academic advisor. A current list of CLEP exams accepted by Brenau and each exam’s minimum passing score may be obtained from the CLEP Coordinator, located in the Learning Center.

Consistent with the Educational Testing Service’s Policy on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), any student who fails a CLEP Exam must wait six months before re-taking the exam.

DANTES  Brenau students enrolled at the Augusta or Kings Bay campuses may contact the site directors concerning DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support). DANTES is a CLEP program offered at military bases and also at the Gainesville campus. Brenau accepts several DANTES exams. Students may also contact the Brenau CLEP Office, located in the Learning Center, for more information. The CLEP test score guide  outlines the DANTES exams Brenau accepts as well as the minimum scores required by Brenau.

Excelsior College  The department of nursing recognizes the Excelsior College exams for Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology. Credits earned through Excelsior College do not fulfill residency requirements.

Experiential Credit

Brenau may award credit for experiential learning that has been acquired through employment; non collegiate, school based education; and other appropriate life experiences. Students desiring to receive experiential credit should read the following policy statement carefully and schedule a preliminary consultation visit with the appropriate department chair or dean. At this conference, the policy and the procedure will be explained; and preliminary recommendations and suggestions will be made to the student as to the most appropriate course of action.

Brenau follows the recommendations of the American Council of Education and the Council for the Advancement of Experiential Learning in the awarding of experiential credit. Life and learning experiences alone are inadequate bases for the awarding of experiential credit. In order for experiential learning to be considered, it must:

  • Relate to course work contained in the liberal education curriculum, major program of study or elective components of the Brenau academic program.
  • Relate to learning objectives and graduation requirements of the student.
  • Result in experientially learned competencies that are demonstrable and equitable to the specific competencies that would be acquired through participation in the Brenau course equivalent for which credit is being requested.
  • Be recent in terms of actual experience, skill acquisition and competency demonstrated.
  • Regulations concerning alternative credit apply to experiential credit. Brenau awards two types of experiential credit: school based and life/work experiential credit. Credits earned through experiential credit do not fulfill residency requirements.

School Based Experiential Credit  School based experiential credit is defined as that credit earned as a result of educational preparation through contractual relationships with state agencies, training institutions or other formalized professional training programs. The amount of credit awarded shall be limited to that specified in the educational contract agreement between Brenau and the agency or training program.

Students qualifying for school based experiential credit will obtain the Application for Experiential Credit from the appropriate department chair who must in turn approve and certify the request. The provost must then sign and process the application.

The evaluation shall be made by a committee, selected by the provost, consisting of one department chair and one faculty member. The formal report of the evaluation shall be submitted to the Academic Affairs Committee, as well as to the administration of this institution.

Life/Work Experiential Credit  Life/work experiential credit may be awarded for learning and accomplishments that have been acquired through employment or other life/learning experiences. This category shall include all experiential credit requests not specifically covered by military credit or school based experiential credit. Interested students should secure an Application for Experiential Credit from their advisor or department and then develop a portfolio to be used for documentation purposes. The portfolio will serve to organize the learning experiences into manageable components and should contain:

  • A summary of work and/or other learning experiences,
  • An essay describing the relationship between the acquired learning and the student’s educational program and goals.
  • An appendix of supporting letters of documentation, transcripts, certificates, examination results, licenses, memberships, materials produced and other relevant documents.
  • The portfolio should be attached to and become a part of the completed application for experiential credit and these materials should be submitted by the student to the appropriate department chair. In addition to the application and documentation described above, the student may be required to pass a competency exam administered by the department.

Fees  See Financial Information section of this catalog.

Enrollment Requirement  In no case will Brenau receive applications for experiential or military credit from individuals who are not currently enrolled as degree-seeking students. In addition, applications for course credit will not be accepted unless the course is a part of the educational program of Brenau or unless recommendation occurs as part of the American Council of Education’s military credit evaluation.

Military Credit  Military credit is generally awarded for formal military educational programs completed while the student was serving as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. The American Council of Education (ACE) has reviewed the various components of the U.S. military training programs and has made appropriate recommendations for the awarding of college credit. Regulations concerning alternative credit apply to military credit. To obtain college credit for military education programs, students should follow the guidelines listed below.

  1. New students should submit an official copy of the military transcript to the Admissions Office, along with other application materials. Matriculated students please contact the registrar’s Office for instructions.
  2. ACE credit recommendations for military transcript are reviewed, the transcript is evaluated, and if applicable, transfer credit is awarded. If the student has previously received college credit for the course in question, military credit will not be awarded.
  3. There is no charge for military credit.
  4. Students must be currently enrolled, degree-seeking students.
  5. Military credit does not count toward Brenau’s 30-hour residency requirement.

Special Programs

Brenau Study Abroad  The Brenau International Students & Global Studies Office coordinates programming for international students studying at Brenau and also offers assistance in securing study abroad opportunities for our American students. The office is located in the Student Services Department, Owen’s Student Center. Brenau offers students a wide range of foreign study opportunities. Several programs are offered through faculty members at Brenau and the university also participates in programs offered through other study abroad programs such as Central College of Iowa’s International Studies Program and the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS). The global studies office makes every effort to find a suitable program for any student interested in studying outside the United States. New programs are offered each year so please contact the office for updated information on a regular basis.

Developmental Studies  See the Placement Testing section of this catalog for information on developmental studies. Developmental studies hours do not count toward graduation but any hours taken do count toward semester enrollment for financial aid/enrollment purposes.

Directed Independent Study (D.I.S.)  One of the important aspects of the upper division curriculum is the opportunity for Directed Independent Study courses in a student’s major area of academic interest, provided that the student’s previous academic standing indicates a probability of deriving constructive benefit from such an experience. In this program, available only for juniors and seniors, the student is assigned to a faculty member who will supervise the student’s work and evaluate completed projects. Periodic conferences with the supervising professor provide necessary direction. Such studies are usually conducted in the form of directed readings, laboratory projects or research, original or replicated social research or original compositions. Projects should be planned with the consent and advisement of the student’s advisor and the appropriate dean.

Procedure for Applying:

  1. Obtain application from the Registrar’s Office website, departmental office or school office.
  2. A completed copy of this form, accompanied by the applicant’s current transcript and the course syllabus in appropriate institutional form, must be submitted by the instructor to the department chair.
  3. After signing, the chair will forward all documents to the Registrar’s Office.
  4. An Academic Affairs subcommittee must approve requests for four semester credit hours or more. Copies of the approval form are distributed to the following:
1) Instructor 3) Registrar’s Office
2) Student 4) Department Chair

This procedure must be completed prior to the registration deadline unless otherwise approved by the provost.

The D.I.S. format may be deemed necessary and appropriate for teaching courses not falling within the design and format described above. Faculty, off-campus coordinators or advisors recommending a D.I.S. must obtain prior approval of the appropriate department chair before initiating a D.I.S. course or project. In this case, the D.I.S. proposal must be submitted per the standard guidelines to the Registrar’s Office within two weeks of either the student’s registration or the beginning of the semester, whichever comes first.

Independent Study  Independent Study courses are standard classroom courses taught on an independent format. They are not to be confused with directed independent study (D.I.S.), which are courses individually designed for specific student’s purposes. An independent studies course is to be used as an option only when it is clearly a necessity. Students are expected to complete courses in the standard on ground or online formats, whenever possible.

Enrollment in Independent Study requires written approval of the advisor, department chair and instructor.

  1. Independent Study courses must be courses listed in the current Brenau Catalog.
  2. Although the learning experience is not exactly the same as the classroom course, the content must constitute a comparable substitute.
  3. Independent Study will carry the same course number as listed in the Catalog with a section code that will designate it as being the special study format.
  4. Independent Study must be approved using the appropriate form prior to the beginning of the semester or no later than the end of the drop period for a course which has been cancelled.
  5. Independent Study courses will be subject to the 27 credit hour limit allowed for alternative credit options as identified in the Brenau Catalog.
  6. It is expected that the following criteria exist:
  • The student must be at least a junior and in good academic standing.
  • An Independent Study course may not meet a Liberal Education requirement.
  • If the course is offered during the semester the Independent Study is requested, there must be a substantial reason for the student to take the course via Independent Study rather than taking the course during the regularly scheduled time or at a later date.
  • There must be a substantial reason for the student to take the course via Independent Study rather than taking it at a later date.
  • The course should be taken using transient status if it is offered at a regionally accredited institution within a reasonable distance to Brenau or the student’s residence.
  • The student will not exceed the 27-hour limit which applies to alternative credit options as identified in the Brenau Catalog.