2010-2011 Brenau University Catalog 
    Feb 02, 2025  
2010-2011 Brenau University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Liberal Arts (B.A.)

The liberal arts major is open to Women’s College students. It is intended to encourage students with flexible and unique academic interests, not met by existing majors, to develop an individualized or multidisciplinary course of study. Students cannot earn a minor along with a major of liberal arts. Students must request their liberal arts programs in the academic year prior to completion of the degree. The major will print as “Liberal Arts” on the student’s transcript. Students can not minor in Liberal Arts.

Guidelines for students who wish to pursue a degree in liberal arts:

By the end of the sophomore year, identify a faculty adviser who has expertise in the student’s areas of interest, and is willing to work with the student
In consultation with the faculty adviser and appropriate dean, design a plan of study at the beginning of the junior year and obtain approval of the dean for each of the primary concentrations prior to the end of the junior year
  Assure that the program of study includes the following:
  1) A minimum of 120 semester credit hours leading to a bachelor of arts degree.
  2) Complete all liberal education requirements. As with other undergraduate majors at Brenau, major courses that are also designated as liberal education courses may be applied toward the major concentrations and the liberal education.
  3) Two primary concentrations. Each primary concentration will be 21 semester hours, 12 of which must be at the upper division (300/400) level. The first primary concentration must be English or history/political science. For the second primary concentration, the student may choose one of the following areas: biology, business, dance, fashion, graphic design, interior design, mass communication, music, psychology, studio art, theatre, or either English or history/political science (whichever is not chosen as primary concentration #1).
  4) A capstone/interdisciplinary course as designated by the adviser and department.
  5) Two secondary concentrations. Each secondary concentration will be nine semester hours. A student may not use any discipline in the secondary concentration named as a primary concentration. Students may chose from the following disciplines: biology, business, dance, fashion, graphic design, interior design, mass communication, music, studio art, psychology, theatre, English, history/political science, modern languages, gender studies, international studies, legal studies/conflict resolution, mathematics, philosophy, pre-education.
Meet the following academic criteria in the program of study:
  1) Grades of “C” or higher in all courses taken in designated areas of concentration.
  2) A grade point average of 2.5 or higher in all major courses.
  3) A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
Primary Concentration #1 21
Primary Concentration #2 21
Capstone/Interdisciplinary Course 3
Secondary Concentration #1 9
Secondary Concentration #2 9
Total Major Courses 63
Liberal Education Requirements (may vary based on student placement)  
General Electives * (Totals will vary) *