2012-2013 Brenau University Catalog 
    Jul 16, 2024  
2012-2013 Brenau University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Occupational Therapy (M.S.O.T.)

Students enter the Occupational Therapy program at the graduate level. There are several majors at Brenau specifically designed to provide the undergraduate preparation for entry into the MSOT program. Students who take the substantial portion of their undergraduate work at Brenau are given preference in admission. Please click on the lines below for the information specific to these options.

  • Post Baccalaureate Pre-Occupational Therapy Program   Students who already possess a bachelor’s degree and who wish to take program pre-requisites may enroll in the Pre-OT Post Baccalaureate Program which consists of all program pre-requisite courses. Students may choose this option if they wish to complete some or all of the required MSOT pre-requisite courses at Brenau.
  • Health Science (B.S.) [pre-OT]   The Health Science Pre-OT major is available in both Gainesville and North Atlanta. 
  • Psychology (B.S.) [Pre-OT]   The Psychology Pre-OT program is available through the Women’s College at the Gainesville campus.
  • Other undergraduate majors  Students with any undergraduate major will be considered for admission to the MSOT program, as long as they have met the program pre-requisites.|
  • Accelerated MSOT admission for those without a bachelor’s degree  This accelerated admission program is designed for academically strong applicants who are enrolled at Brenau in a Bachelor’s degree program who meet all program requirements except the Bachelor’s degree credential. All students who are considering this program should be following an undergraduate program of studies which leads to a degree, until such time as they are awarded accelerated admission into the MSOT program. See the health science or psychology options above for appropriate programs to consider at Brenau. In this program, students will proceed from the end of their junior year (or equivalent hours) directly into graduate studies. At the completion of the occupational therapy program, they will be awarded an MSOT. Students interested in this option are advised that there may be financial aid implications associated with an early move to graduate status; therefore they are encouraged to work with their financial aid and academic advisors prior to deciding on this option.

Admission criteria for accelerated program:

  1. 90 hours of completed coursework with an overall GPA of 3.4 or better
  • Must include all Brenau general education core requirements
  • 18 of the 90 undergraduate credit hours must be upper division courses (300-400 level).
  • 75 credit hours must be completed at time of application.
  • Met the 30 hour undergraduate residency requirement with Brenau.
  1. B or better in all completed pre-OT requirements:
  • minimum 18 of the required 25 pre-requisite hours completed at time of application

Application process for undergraduates interested in MSOT

The Brenau School of Occupational Therapy participates in the Occupational Therapy Centralized Applications Service, known as OTCAS. Students wishing to be considered for admission to the occupational therapy program need to apply online using the OTCAS application and submit the completed application by the published deadlines scheduled approximately 8 months prior to the start of either the day or weekend program. Refer to the MSOT program in the graduate catalog for details. Note that Brenau students with at least 60 credit hours at taken at Brenau, and who meet OT admission criteria are eligible to be reimbursed one time by Brenau for the OTCAS application fee.

Degree Requirements


Total Semester Hours Required for Degree: 94