2021-2022 Brenau University Catalog 
    Oct 06, 2024  
2021-2022 Brenau University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid-Undergraduate

General Information

Brenau University offers a comprehensive financial aid program for qualified students. A student’s eligibility for scholarships and financial aid is determined from documents submitted by the student to both the Office of Admissions and the Office of Financial Aid. Any undergraduate student who is a United States citizen or permanent resident may apply for need-based financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Any new student must complete all Brenau University admissions requirements and be fully accepted for admission before financial aid can be awarded.

Applications for financial aid are generally processed on a rolling basis year round. Processing for each new academic year begins in October. Students who plan to apply for need-based financial aid programs should complete the FAFSA as soon as possible after October 1st in order to ensure consideration for federal and institutional programs that typically have limited funds. Students are strongly encouraged to submit all required financial aid documents no later than March 1st for the upcoming academic year. Students who wish to apply only for continuously funded financial aid programs such as Federal Pell Grants and Direct Loans should have a completed financial aid file a minimum of one month prior to the beginning date of the first semester for which financial aid is needed.

Enrollment Status.  An undergraduate student enrolled for at least 6 credit hours but fewer than 12 credit hours per semester is considered a half-time student, while an undergraduate student enrolled for 12 or more credit hours per semester is considered full time.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal regulations require institutions participating in Title IV student financial aid programs to establish standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP) for recipients of financial aid. In general, these SAP standards also apply to financial aid programs authorized and funded by the State of Georgia, as well as Brenau’s own institutional aid programs.


The purpose of SAP is to measure a student’s progress toward completion of the specific educational program in which he/she is enrolled. The policy is used to determine if an enrolled financial aid recipient is making satisfactory academic progress, regardless of whether or not financial aid was applied for or received during the specific term under review.  The SAP policy is consistently applied to all students, ensuring both the quality of academic work and the completion of a program within the maximum time frame.  A student’s academic performance will be evaluated at the end of each semester (fall, spring, and summer). 


The SAP policy will measure both qualitative and quantitative standards, as students must meet both standards to remain eligible for aid.

Qualitative Standard. This standard measures grade point average (GPA).

Brenau requires an undergraduate student to maintain a cumulative institutional grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better to remain eligible for financial aid. This GPA is calculated on all courses taken for academic credit at Brenau as well as those accepted for transfer from other eligible institutions. In addition, federal regulations stipulate that at the end of the second academic year of enrollment, a federal student aid recipient must have at least a “C” (or 2.0) average, or an academic standing that will allow the student to meet the requirements for graduating from his/her academic program.

Note: The minimum undergraduate GPA requirement referred to above does not apply to the renewal of academic scholarships, HOPE Scholarship, Zell Miller Scholarship, or other grant or scholarship programs that may require a higher GPA for renewal or continuation of eligibility.

Quantitative Standard. This standard establishes the rate at which a student must progress to ensure completion of his/her degree program within the allowable maximum time frame.

  • Rate of Progress. A student receiving financial aid must demonstrate measurable progress toward the completion of his/her degree program by maintaining a minimum overall completion rate of 67 percent. This applies to both full-time and part-time financial aid recipients. The rate of progress is calculated using the following formula:

Hours Successfully Completed or Earned ÷ Hours Attempted

  • Attempted hours are those credit hours that remain on a student’s transcript after the last date on which classes can be totally eliminated from a student’s registration as published by the Brenau Registrar. Earned hours represent successfully completed courses in which grades of A, B, C, D or P are awarded, as long as credit is earned. Withdrawals (W), incompletes (I), in progress (IP), and failed courses (F or WF) are considered attempted hours but not earned hours.
  • The following points should be noted with regard to the rate-of-progress calculations:
  1. If a course with an incomplete grade (I) or an in progress grade (IP) impacts a student’s satisfactory academic progress standing, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office when a final grade has been earned.
  2. Audited courses are considered neither attempted nor earned hours.
  3. Credits transferred to Brenau, including those taken as a transient student while enrolled at Brenau, are included in both attempted hours and earned hours, and are subject to the maximum time frame standards below.
  4. Repeated courses, for which a passing grade was previously received, are included in attempted hours and GPA calculations, but are not included in earned hours.
  5. Remedial or learning support courses that provide no academic credit do not have any bearing on a student’s rate of progress.
  • Maximum Time Frame. Federal student aid regulations stipulate that an undergraduate student must complete his/her academic program within 150 percent of the published program length.  The measurement is cumulative and includes all periods with or without federal student aid. Frequent withdrawals from individual courses or from all courses in the semester, changes of major, and failed or repeated courses could jeopardize financial aid eligibility. A student who has reached the maximum time frame allowed for completion of his/her degree program is no longer eligible for financial aid even if there is some other obstacle, such as required GPA, that is preventing graduation.

Important Note: A recipient of federal student aid may not enroll in courses generally not required for his/her specific educational program. This includes enrolling in unneeded courses for the sole purpose of attaining a higher cumulative GPA or to simply maintain an enrollment status required to receive certain types of aid. However, a student may receive financial aid to repeat a course that was previously passed in order to obtain a higher grade, but can receive aid to repeat that course only one time. The intent of this repeat policy is to allow a student to try to earn a higher grade and an improved GPA when, on the advice of the student’s academic advisor, the student needs to take that action to gain admission into a specific Brenau major. Students will not be allowed to repeat previously passed courses for the sole purpose of obtaining a desired financial aid package or disbursement.


The financial aid recipient’s academic performance records maintained by the Registrar’s Office will be reviewed at the end of each semester to determine if the student is maintaining the standards established in the SAP policy. A student who fails to meet the SAP standards, qualitative and/or quantitative, will be assigned one of the following SAP statuses, and will be notified via email to his/her Brenau email address.

  • Financial Aid Warning is the status assigned to a student who has not achieved the required cumulative GPA and/or has not met the rate of progress standards of the SAP policy. A student on financial aid warning is eligible for financial aid for one additional semester. No appeal is necessary. However, it is recommended that during the Financial Aid Warning term, the student meets with his or her academic advisor, and take the following preventive measures to avoid the loss of financial aid eligibility:
  1. Identify the obstacle(s) encountered during the last semester;      
  2. Develop and commit to workable and achievable solutions for overcoming the obstacles identified.
  • Financial Aid Suspension is the status assigned to a student who, after one semester on financial aid warning, still has a deficient GPA and/or has not met the rate of progress standards. Financial aid suspension status also applies to a student who has exceeded the 150% time frame for completing his/her degree program. A student on financial aid suspension will be notified of his/her ineligibility for future financial aid, as well as how to submit an appeal.  (Appeal process outlined below).
  • Financial Aid Probation is the status assigned to a student who failed to make satisfactory academic progress, but submitted a qualifying appeal, and had eligibility for financial aid reinstated. A student placed on financial aid probation is eligible for financial aid for one semester in which he/she must fully meet the requirements of Brenau’s satisfactory academic progress policy.  In the event it will be mathematically impossible for a student who submitted a qualifying SAP appeal to meet SAP standards in one semester, he/she may be required to adhere to an Academic Plan designed to ensure SAP compliance by a specific point in time.  In this scenario, the status of Financial Aid Probation will continue as long as the student is meeting the specific components of the plan and is progressing satisfactorily in the time-frame allotted.  Failure to meet any prescribed academic benchmarks will result in final termination of aid eligibility with no further right of appeal.


If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from making SAP for two semesters, resulting in a status of Financial Aid Suspension, it is possible to appeal to the Financial Aid Office for a review of those circumstances as they relate to the student’s academic standing. The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form and a typewritten explanation of the extenuating circumstance(s) must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office within 14 days of being notified of the Financial Aid Suspension status.

In addition to the SAP Appeal Form, a typewritten financial aid appeal MUST include these two components:

  1. An explanation of the extenuating circumstances that resulted in the student’s failure to make SAP. Acceptable circumstances on which a student could base an appeal are those that could not have been foreseen at the beginning of the semester, and that were completely beyond the student’s control.  This could include serious injury or illness (physical or mental) of the student or an immediate family member, death of an immediate family member, or other extenuating circumstances or challenges. Appeals should include a detailed description of the applicable circumstances, along with related documentation (i.e., statement from physician or other healthcare provider, report from law enforcement or social services agency, copy of death certificate, etc.) that supports those circumstances.
  2. The positive changes that have occurred that will ensure the student can achieve SAP by the next evaluation. The student must include information regarding circumstances or challenges that will no longer exist or be an issue, as well as any additional measures planned to ensure he/she will make SAP during the probationary semester, if granted.

A minimum of two senior members of the Financial Aid Office will review each written appeal and supporting documents, along with relevant academic history. The student will be notified via his/her Brenau email account of the appeal decision and of the conditions of the resulting probationary period. A student whose appeal is approved may receive financial aid for one probationary semester (or more, if placed on an academic plan), after which another SAP review will be conducted. A student who fails to meet the academic requirements outlined in the Financial Aid Probation notification will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension for a second and final time, after which there is no option for appeal.

Restoring Financial Aid Eligibility. A student whose appeal is not granted, or a student who cannot document qualifying extenuating circumstances, can only regain eligibility for financial aid by meeting the requirements of Brenau’s SAP policy as stated above. Neither taking courses at the student’s expense (without financial aid), sitting out a semester, or successfully completing courses at another institution will automatically restore financial aid eligibility. When a student has resolved the academic deficiencies that resulted in the termination of eligibility, he or she should contact the Financial Aid Office to request a new SAP evaluation.

Federal Aid

General Regulations.  In order to receive federal student financial aid at Brenau University a student must be a United States citizen or permanent resident, must be seeking a degree or certificate, must be enrolled at least half-time (except for Pell Grant) and must maintain satisfactory academic progress. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) is the required application.

Federal Pell Grant.  The Pell Grant is a need-based grant for eligible students who have not already earned a bachelor’s degree. This grant often provides a foundation of financial aid to which other types of aid may be added. Grant amounts vary. Pell Grant eligibility is limited to the equivalent of six full-time academic years.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.  SEOG grants are available to undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need, with priority given to Federal Pell Grant recipients. Grant amounts vary, and the amount of available funds is limited.

Subsidized Federal Direct Loan. This loan program allows students who demonstrate financial need to borrow educational funds from the U.S. Department of Education with no interest accruing as long as they are enrolled at least half time. A freshman may borrow up to $3,500 per academic year; a sophomore, up to $4,500; a student at the junior level or above may borrow a maximum of $5,500. Repayment of principal and interest begins six months after the student graduates or is no longer at least a half-time student.

Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan. This loan program is available to students without regard to financial need in addition to the Subsidized Federal Direct Loan. Interest will accrue during periods of enrollment. Dependent students may borrow an additional $2000; however, independent students may be eligible to borrow additional funds up to the following annual limits: freshmen and sophomores up to $6,000; juniors and above up to $7,000.

NOTE: The federal government assesses an origination fee amounting to 1%-2% of the Direct Loan amount borrowed by any eligible student. This fee is deducted up front from each scheduled loan disbursement; therefore, the net loan amount disbursed to a student borrower will be less than the loan amount the student requested. However, the amount the student must ultimately repay is the gross amount of the loan prior to the origination fee being taken off.

Federal Parent PLUS Loan. The PLUS Loan program is available for parents of dependent students. A parent may obtain a PLUS Loan without demonstrating financial need and may borrow up to the entire annual cost of attendance as certified by the Office of Financial Aid. PLUS borrowers must have a satisfactory credit record.

NOTE: The federal government assesses an origination fee amounting to 4%-5% of the Parent Plus Loan. This fee is deducted up front from each scheduled loan disbursement; therefore, the net loan amount disbursed to a parent borrower will be less than the loan amount the parent requested. However, the amount the parent must ultimately repay is the full amount requested and processed prior to the origination fee being taken off.

Federal Work-Study. This program provides jobs for students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. Jobs are assigned by Brenau’s Human Resources Office. Students employed through the Federal Work-Study program initially earn the current minimum wage, with the possibility of a pay increase in subsequent years. Work-Study funds are limited; therefore, early filing of the FASFA is encouraged.

TEACH Grant.  The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is a federal student aid program that provides up to $4,000 per year to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. In exchange for receiving a TEACH Grant, recipients must sign a document in which they agree to serve as a highly-qualified, full-time teacher in a high-need subject area for at least four years at a school serving low-income students. Failure to fulfill the teaching service requirements will cause the TEACH Grant to convert to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan with interest charged from the date the grant funds were first disbursed.

The TEACH Grant is available to undergraduate students who have been officially admitted to Brenau’s teacher education program to pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in the field of Elementary Education, Special Education, or Middle Grades (Math/Science). Applicants must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and a Brenau TEACH Grant Request Form. Interested students are strongly encouraged to carefully review the details of this program online here prior to applying.

State Aid

Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant. The purpose of this grant is to provide tuition assistance to Georgia residents who wish to pursue a college education at a private college or university within Georgia. Eligible students must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate degree program. The grant amount varies according to state appropriations.

HOPE Scholarship. Funded by proceeds from the Georgia Lottery for Education, the HOPE Scholarship is available for students who graduated from an eligible Georgia high school with a 3.0 average in a college preparatory curriculum and meet specific academic rigor requirements. Other students may be eligible for the HOPE Scholarship if they meet specific Georgia residency requirements and earn a 3.0 cumulative grade point average at 30, 60 or 90 attempted semester hours. Funds are available for both full-time and half-time students. A student who has earned a previous bachelor’s degree or who has attempted more than 127 semester hours is not eligible for HOPE Scholarship.

Zell Miller Scholarship. The Zell Miller Scholarship is available for students graduating from an eligible Georgia high school, who have a 3.7 average in the core academic curriculum and a combined SAT score of 1200 or higher, or an ACT composite score of 26 or higher, from a single test administration. Zell Miller Scholarship recipients are required to maintain a 3.3 cumulative grade point average in college, to be assessed in the same manner as the HOPE Scholarship. Current undergraduate students who have not attempted more than 127 semester hours of college degree credit and who have a 3.3 or higher cumulative GPA as of the most recent required checkpoint, may be eligible to receive the Zell Miller Scholarship only if they met the required high school GPA and SAT/ACT scores at the time of high school graduation. The Zell Miller Scholarship is available for both full-time and half-time status.

Student Access Loan (SAL). The Georgia Student Finance Authority offers the Student Access Loan (SAL) Program for eligible students attending an eligible postsecondary institution in Georgia. The SAL is a 1% fixed rate loan, designed to assist undergraduate students who have a gap in meeting their educational costs. Applicants must have first applied for and exhausted all other student financial aid options including federal and state student loans, scholarship and grant programs, and Veterans education benefits. The maximum annual loan amount is $8,000, with a maximum of $4,000 per term. The SAL program is also designed to provide service cancellation opportunities to qualified students who work in select public service sectors or STEM fields.  Applications may be submitted during a pre-designated and published application cycle. Current HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship recipients are given preference in the first selection round; after that, applications are selected at random until all available funds are committed

Institutional Scholarships and Aid

The Women’s College

The Brenau Scholars Program. This scholarship program recognizes and assists outstanding students with demonstrated academic and leadership strengths. It is designed for those students who desire to develop these qualities to their fullest potential in a stimulating and challenging university environment. Students are selected based on their past and potential academic success, leadership achievement and personal qualities as exemplified in the Brenau Ideal. Brenau Scholar candidates must have a minimum 3.5 grade point average in a college preparatory curriculum and must participate in a scholarship competition. Each recipient must be a residential student. Recipients of the Brenau Scholar Award will receive an amount equal to tuition charges for 120 until they have accumulated 120 semester hours (or the number of hours required for a specific major/degree program), not to exceed four academic years (eight semesters). Georgia residents who are eligible to receive the HOPE Scholarship, the Zell Miller Scholarship, and/or the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant must maintain eligibility for those awards. Funds from those state programs will be applied first toward tuition charges, with the Brenau Scholar Award covering the remainder of tuition cost. University Services Fees and other incidental fees, along with room and board charges, will not be covered by the Brenau Scholar Award. However, students who are eligible to receive funds from other federal and state student aid programs may apply those funds against the cost of fees and room and board. Recipients of the Brenau Scholar Award may be eligible to receive additional scholarships or grants funded by Brenau University, including athletic grants and fine arts scholarships. Renewal of the scholarship is contingent upon the student meeting the qualifying criteria outlined in the scholarship contract. Eligibility for renewal will be assessed at the end of each academic year.

Other Academic Scholarships. This category includes Trustee and Faculty Excellence Scholarships. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and merit at the high school level (freshmen) or college level (transfers). The Brenau Office of Admissions will determine award types and amounts for freshmen based on the applicant’s high school GPA in core academic courses. A transfer student’s cumulative college GPA will be the basis for award determination. These awards are renewable as long as the recipient maintains a 3.0 cumulative grade point average for the Trustee and Scholarship and a 2.8 cumulative grade point average for the Faculty Excellence Scholarship. Eligibility for renewal will be assessed at the end of each academic year. Scholarship amounts generally range from $8,400 to $15,000 per academic year.

Other Academic Grants. Various other academic grants are awarded to students who are not eligible for either of the three academic awards previously mentioned, but, in the opinion of the Scholarship Committee, have the potential to be academically successful at Brenau University. These grants are renewable as long as the recipient remains in good academic standing at Brenau University. Eligibility for renewal will be assessed at the end of each semester. Award amounts will vary.

Legacy Scholarship.  The Brenau University Legacy Scholarship encourages daughters and sisters of Brenau alumni to enroll as freshmen in the Women’s College. A Legacy Scholarship applicant must be an incoming, first-time freshman in the Women’s College, whose mother, father, sister or brother is a Brenau alumnus. (An alumnus is defined as anyone who completed at least 30 semester hours at Brenau in any program.) The scholarship is renewable for up to four years or 120 semester hours, whichever comes first. Recipients must also enroll as full-time students and maintain satisfactory academic progress toward a degree, as defined in Brenau’s institutional policies. The scholarship deadline is March 1st for freshmen planning to enroll the following fall. Scholarships are $2,500 per year for Women’s College residential students and $2,000 per year for Women’s College students who commute.

Full-time Gainesville Day Program (Non-Women’s College)

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship. Scholarships are available for students who transfer to Brenau from a 2-year institution where they were invited to join or actually became a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.  An $8,000 annual scholarship will be awarded to any full-time student enrolling in Brenau’s Gainesville Day Program who presents proof of invitation to join, or membership in, Phi Theta Kappa.

Presidential Scholarship. Male students with a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher, who plan to study ​in the daytime format on Brenau’s historic Gainesville campus, may be invited to compete for the Presidential Scholarship. A limited number of students will be selected to receive this scholarship, which covers the annual cost of full-time tuition, when combined with applicable state financial aid programs (i.e., HOPE Scholarship, Zell Miller Scholarship, Tuition Equalization Grant). Each recipient must reside in campus housing.

Other Scholarships and Sources of Financial Aid

The following scholarships and grants are awarded annually and are made possible through the generosity of donors to Brenau University.  

  • Bob Adams Memorial and Sally Adams Scholarship
  • Amy Andrews Memorial Scholarship
  • Art or Design Scholarships
  • Athletic Scholarships (Basketball, Competition Cheerleading, Cross Country, Dance Team, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball)
  • Grace W. Ball Scholarship
  • Bank of America Scholarship
  • Jane and Rafe Banks, Jr. Scholarship
  • Kimberly and David Barnett Scholarship
  • Sara Brayman Graduate OT Scholarship
  • Baxter-Bryan Scholarship
  • Brenau Alumnae Association Scholarship
  • Brenau Alumni Association Scholarship
  • Katherine McKenna Brothers Scholarship
  • Wilma Truit Burch Scholarship
  • Burd Endowed Scholarship
  • Burgett Teacher Education Scholarship
  • Mary Castle Scholarships
  • Dance Scholarships
  • Ed Daniel Endowed Scholarship
  • Wayne Dempsey Scholarship
  • Joyce and Harold Dick Teacher Education Scholarships
  • Robin Dudley Nursing Scholarship
  • Dunlap Military Scholarship
  • April Durham Endowed Scholarship
  • Martha C. Edens Scholarship
  • Carter Estes Endowed Scholarship
  • Grace Estes Endowed Scholarship
  • Ethicon Nursing Scholarship
  • Dorothy Ezzard Endowed Scholarship
  • Dorsey-Ravan Scholarship
  • Eliza Holmes Feldmann Scholarship
  • Fieldale Endowed Scholarship
  • Beth Bridges Fisher Scholarship
  • Valworth McMillan Foscue Music Scholarship
  • Margaret May Franklin Endowed Scholarships
  • Margaret Hill Gaus Endowed Scholarship
  • Lee and Eloise Gilmer Memorial Scholarship
  • Girl Scout Gold Scholarship
  • Thelma Mauldin Green Scholarship
  • Furman Greer Memorial Scholarship
  • Hall School of Nursing Scholarships
  • Elizabeth Hancock Endowed Scholarship
  • Lydia Banks Hanley Scholarship
  • Martha Hatcher Scholarship
  • Rebecca Bowles Hawkins Scholarship
  • Hearst Foundation Scholarship
  • Heathman 40 & 8 Scholarship
  • Aurora Strong Hunt Scholarships
  • Jacie L. Hyatt Academic Sports Scholarship
  • Interior Design Scholarships
  • Kay and Douglas Ivester Scholarships
  • Willie Bolding Johnson Scholarship
  • Kiwanis Endowed Scholarship
  • Ruth Lasof Scholarships
  • Imogene Lemex Scholarships
  • Liberty Utilities Scholarhship
  • Helen E. Lilly Scholarship
  • Ada Little Endowed Scholarships
  • Denyse Marchesseau Scholarship
  • Clara Martin Endowed Journalism Scholarship
  • Massey Journalism Scholarship
  • William S. and Mary C. May Scholarship
  • Archie & Helen McPheeters Scholarship
  • Jean Watkins McRae Endowed Scholarship
  • Milliken Scholarship
  • Mintz Family Scholarship
  • Birdie L. Moore Scholarship
  • Nancy W. Moore Scholarship
  • Gwen Mundy Endowed Scholarship
  • Music Scholarships
  • Stephen Newell Scholarship
  • Norton Family Memorial Scholarship
  • Lisha Page Nursing Scholarship
  • Parr Music Scholarships
  • Paris Endowed Scholarship
  • Julia and Brooks Pearson Scholarship
  • Annette Pitt Memorial Theatre Scholarship
  • Presidential First Generation Scholarship
  • Josephine Winter Rainey Alumnae Scholarship
  • Ramsey-Chester Scholarship
  • Randolph Family Scholarship
  • Madge Robertson Reed Scholarship
  • Georgine Riley Nursing Scholarships
  • Romberg Scholarships
  • Rotary International Scholarships
  • Roth Foundation Nursing Scholarships
  • Augusta & William Schrage Scholarship
  • Dorothy Schrader Scholarship
  • Carol Smiarowski Dance Scholarship
  • Smith Memorial Music Scholarship
  • Sidney O. Smith Scholarships
  • Lois Miller Scroggs Scholarship
  • Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Endowed Scholarship
  • Bob Swoszowski Scholarship
  • Taylor-Hemphill Scholarships
  • Taylor-Miller Scholarship
  • Joe K. Telford Scholarship
  • Theatre Scholarships
  • George & Anne Thomas Scholarship
  • Charles J. Thurmond Endowed Scholarship
  • Dorothy Van Giesen Endowed Scholarship
  • Harvey Watts Scholarship
  • Ann M. Welbon Scholarship
  • Elizabeth Wells Scholarship
  • Margaret M. Whalen-Warren Featherbone Foundation Scholarship
  • Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarships
  • Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Scholarships

Veterans Administration Education Benefits

Any veteran, veteran’s dependent or active duty service person who qualifies for VA education benefits may apply for those benefits through the Office of Financial Aid. The necessary form should be obtained from that office, completed and returned prior to the beginning of the semester the student plans to initially enroll. All students who receive VA education benefits are expected to comply with the following Brenau University requirements: 

  1. Students must comply with attendance regulations of Brenau University and the Veterans Administration and may not drop courses or stop attending classes without executing formal withdrawal procedures.
  2. Any change in a student’s semester course load should be reported to the Office of Financial Aid immediately.
  3. Students should notify the Office of Financial Aid when changing academic programs.
  4. Students must enroll in only those courses outlined on academic program plans prepared by Brenau University officials.
  5. Courses for which college credit has been granted by Brenau University cannot be repeated unless required by academic policy.

Brenau University is required to report to the Veterans Administration on attendance, progress toward educational objectives, and other matters affecting benefits. All benefits except for the Post-9/11 GI Bill are paid directly to the student.

Brenau participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program, in which we partner with the VA to cover a portion of tuition expenses above and beyond the amount covered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

Attendance/Participation in Course(s) Pending VA Payment
Brenau permits any student using benefits under Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment) or Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill) to attend/participate in classes during the period beginning on the date on which the student provides to Brenau a certificate of eligibility (COE) for entitlement to educational assistance, ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from the VA is made to Brenau University.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the COE.

When a student receiving Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 benefits is unable to meet his/her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the VA, Brenau will not:

  1. Impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees.
  2. Deny access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities.
  3. Require a student to borrow additional funds.