2010-2011 Brenau University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Dr. Ken Frank, chair
Disciplines and Degrees Offered The department of humanities offers majors in: Conflict Resolution and Legal Studies (B.A.) , English (B.A.) , History/Political Science (B.A.) and Liberal Arts (B.A.) . Minors in Conflict Resolution and Legal Studies , English , Gender Studies , International Studies and Spanish are offered as well as. Liberal education coursework offered through the department consists of modern language, English, history, literature, philosophy, political science, and international studies.
Students should consult the General Academic Plan section of this Catalog to determine which majors are available in the Women’s College or Evening and Weekend Studies of Brenau University. Not all majors are available at all Brenau locations.
Purpose Through its offerings in the liberal education sequence, and by its major programs, the faculty of the department of humanities strives to honor and further the primary purpose of Brenau: to offer a liberal arts education as a basis for academic and professional competence. This purpose is served by affording to each student opportunities to enhance communication skills, to develop a more international perspective and to gain an appreciation for the functions of history, government, literature, and philosophy within a given culture. In brief, the student is encouraged to develop those individual creative abilities which are of utmost value in creating a meaningful and fulfilling life.